慈溪市茂叶园林工具有限公司是专业生产园林喷洒系列产品的实体工厂。公司位于浙江省慈溪市,毗邻南三环和东三环主干道,邻近机场和海运港口, 陆路、铁路交通四通八达,十分便捷。
本公司坚持“以人为本、持续创新、精益求精”的质量方针,建立了一整套严谨、高效的质量管理制度, 产品符合国际质量标准。并将继续开拓创新,以市场为导向,持续为客户提供优质的产品和满意的服务。
Cixi Moye Garden Tools Co. is a factory that is specialized in garden watering fittings manufacture. It is located in Cixi City of Zhejiang province and adjacent to South Ring and East Ring. We have a convenient traffic condition of road, rail, highway and very near to airport and Ningbo port.
Our current factory premises area 7,000 square meter, excellent employee team more than 100 persons. We allocated the consummate equipment and soft-design for product development, mold tooling making and production assembly, collected a lot of high-quality administrative talents. Since was established, our company uphold the quality fist, the customer-oriented management philosophy and dedication to customer service. We are actively expanding the business and our products sell well both at home and abroad and enjoys a good fame.
Adhering to the people-oriented, innovative development and constant perfection as the quality principle, we established precise and normative management systems suited to our actual conditions. Our products conform to that of international quality standard. Guided by the market, we will continuously offer to our customers with new quality products and satisfactory service.
- 所在地区:浙江省宁波市慈溪市
- 行业分类:非金属矿采选业
- 企业类型:有限责任公司
- 注册资金:50.800000万元人民币
- 地址:浙江省 宁波市 慈溪市-横河镇埋马村
- 邮编:315300
所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:低压电接触功能单面银点,双面三复合银点,梅花银触点,半空心银 所在地:浙江省宁波市经营范围:光缆交接箱,光纤配线架,光纤总配线架,光缆分纤箱,三网合一箱 所在地:浙江省宁波市经营范围:分纤箱,光缆接头盒,桌面盒,终端盒,ODF光纤机柜,华为防水 所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:冷压端头、接线端头、铜铝接线 鼻、电力金具 所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:电力金具详情,电缆附件齐全,变压器配件规格详情,冷缩电缆接头 所在地:浙江省宁波市经营范围:线束加工,焊接活加工,各位插头加工 所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:冷压接线端子及接头,铜鼻子,电力金具,堵油闭口铜鼻子,镀锡铜 所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:塑料制品、尼龙扎带、束线带、钢钉线卡、防水电缆接头、不锈钢扎 所在地:浙江省绍兴市经营范围:研发、生产、销售:电线、电缆、连接线、网络设备、天线、电子开 所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:防爆挠性连接管(穿电线用)、防爆活接头、防爆管接头、防爆格兰 所在地:浙江省经营范围:波纹管、金属软管、波纹管接头、格兰头 所在地:浙江省宁波市经营范围:过渡接头,胶管接头,套筒,法兰 所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:防爆配电箱,防爆灯,防爆箱,防爆开关,防爆盒,防爆风机,防爆 所在地:浙江省杭州市经营范围:各类旋转接头,高压高速旋转接头,五金制品,机床附件,机械配件 所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:阀门、管件、管道、气动阀门、气动接头等等 所在地:浙江省温州市经营范围:蝶阀 , 止回阀 , 换向阀 , 球阀 , 隔膜阀 , 皮管